November 13, 2012

Giving thanks

Ok so I know peeps on Facebook are doing the "one thing you're thankful for every day of November" which I think is wonderful but that's just too much work because let's be honest it's hard to come up with 30 things, so I decided to just do a post on the top 5 things I am always thankful for.

1. God.
The big man upstairs has been so good to us and has blessed us with so much. Everyone in my family is healthy, my family in Monterrey has been kept safe from the violence around them, we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, lots of love, and our career paths are looking bright and are headed in the right direction. Thanks sweet 8lb baby Jesus. (Talladega Nights anybody?)

2. My husband and family.
Lucas is my biggest fan and my one and only. He cheers me up when I'm down, brings me back down to earth when my head is in the clouds, and best of all makes me laugh...a lot. I feel so thankful that I get to experience life with my best friend and soul mate by my side. I'm one lucky gal.
My parents are the bomb. I don't know what I would do without their love, encouragement, support, and words of wisdom. Things from Big Martha like "prissy I weighted (Mexican accent) 5 lbs. less than you no puede ser" I could probably do without but I love them and am thankful for them no matter what they say.
Danny. I talk to my minion probably like 4-5 times a day. She is my one and only favorite sissy and we get silly together. I love my Danny poo soooo much and I'm thankful I get to have her as a sister.

3. Lilly.
I love Bo too but Lilly is my baby. She is spoiled rotten and it's my fault but I wouldn't have it any other way. She wakes up when I do, stays up until I do, sleeps with me, sits on the couch with me and she does it all to keep me company. She has nothing to give but love and whole lot of it. Nothing cheers me up more when I'm down than her cute little face and some Lilly licks. Im slightly obsessed...I think I realized it has reached an all time high in Wills and Estates the other day when I was taking serious notes on how to leave a trust for the care of your pet in your will. Call me crazy but I'm thankful that I get to be her mommy.

4. My friends.
What would I do without my party girls?! We are a mish mash of different personalities that have a great time together and are there for each other when it matters most. From Mystic, to Sharyland, to Baylor, I am thankful for the friends that I've made along the way and that uI am privileged to still call my friends today.

5. This last one is really cheesy and kind of annoying but I've got to just put it out there: our wedding.
Feeling thankful for our wedding has been on my mind a lot lately because I've been contacted about it a lot's probably just because it's fall and everyone is in the middle of planning their spring and summer weddings but I've definitely gotten an influx of questions recently. I can't believe it's been a year and a half since we got married and to this day I get calls, texts, emails, and LOTS of facebook messages from girls planning their own weddings wanting to know where I got something or to simply compliment us on something. I feel so flattered and honored that both guests and other people loved something about our wedding enough to contact me about it a year and a half makes me feel like we did a good job! From the band, to food, to flowers, to pictures, wedding planner, bridal tennis shoes, makeup, honeymoon, etc. Ive gotten the question. So for that I'm thankful. (Told ya kinda annoying but I was/still am obsessed with our wedding as every girl should be so sorry I'm not sorry).

This is prob my last post until after law finals this semester so happy holidays! Xoxoo

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