I am not one of those people who has a list for everything or one of those "if it's not in my schedule ahead of time I can't do it" kind of person, but I do have 15 little rules near and dear to my heart that I try to live my life by. None is more important than the other...it is the combination of them all that helps me keep my life in order and in what Lucas and I refer to as our "zen."
Total side note: if either of us starts getting a little stressy or flustered we just tell each other to find our zen. Kinda hipster of us I know, but I think Lucas says "you gotta find your zen girl" more often to me than I do to him but that's besides the point.
Prissy's 15 commandments:
1. Never leave things on bad terms, fail to say something you feel like you have to, or go to bed angry.
-one of my dearest childhood friends got into an argument with her older brother one morning, stormed out, and then her brother lost his life that afternoon in a terrible accident before she could apologize.
2. Don't ask for a favor unless you are willing to return it. So make sure you think long and hard before asking for something.
-my parents always taught my sister and I never to ask for favors unless we absolutely had to because it's always better to do something for someone because you want to not because you feel like you owe them something.
3. Never show up empty handed.
-Big Martha taught us that its rude to show up to any event empty handed...no matter how casual the gathering is. If I'm invited to dinner at someone's house I always make sure I bring something: food, drinks, flowers, a candle...really anything to show the hosts that I am grateful I was included in their plans. I never show up without a gift at someone's birthday celebration...it's just nice to feel special on your birthday. Finally, I always send a gift for a wedding and/or shower...even if I don't go! Being invited to celebrate with the bride and groom on their special day is a huge honor, it means that they wanted you to be there to witness and participate in the beginning of their life together...the least you can do is send a gift.
4. Once you have said it, it's out there for good.
-thank you Pi Phi for teaching me how to sensor my social media. The only thing I have to actively work on are my words....sometimes I just have word vomit. Oops. It's easy to gossip or say things you don't mean when you're angry but it's hard to take them back. People can forgive but don't necessarily forget so it's important to censor.
5. If you borrow something, return it promptly. And make sure it's clean!
-whether it be a baking dish or an item of clothing make sure it is returned quickly to the owner and that it's clean. I literally lent a piece of clothing out once and it was returned to me 3 weeks later without being washed. WTF? Needless to say I don't lend out anything pertaining to my wardrobe any longer. Sorry I'm not sorry.
6. Try to have your nails done at all times.
-personally when I see a gal with her nails done I think to myself "she cares about her appearance." If she cares about taking care of her nails then I assume she cares about taking care of herself in general, which is always a good quality. It's easy to forget or even have time to do your nails with as hectic as life can get. But you don't necessarily have to go get them done...doing them at home will do the job! I have to say that shellac has revolutionized my life in this aspect because it lasts so long. Needless to say you will rarely see me without polish on...if you do I apologize in advance and you've caught me at a hoodratty time.
7. Don't commit to do something if your aren't absolutely sure you will be able to follow through.
-its better to turn something down than to commit and then not follow through. It makes you seem like an undependable person, and odds are you will not be asked again.
8. Take care of your teeth.
-I can't help it I'm the product of two dentists. The first thing I look at when I meet or even see people is their teeth. I literally cringe when I see people who I can tell are neglecting their teeth. I always carry floss, mints, and gum in my purse for an after lunch refresher or for when I get something stuck in my teeth which shockingly happens often. If you see someone with something in their teeth tell them...it's so embarrassing but it's better then having the person realize it later and then wonder why no one told them. Trust me I'm the queen of third party embarrassment but somehow I awkwardly muster up the courage to say something.
9. Don't lie even if the truth is hurtful.
-this is my biggest pet peeve! I have a really hard time when people lie...even little white lies or "bending the truth" or withholding information. I rather tell the truth or be told the truth even if it will hurt my feelings or it will hurt someone else's.
10. Persistence is key.
-you can't stand around in life and hope things will workout or good karma will come your way. You have to actively work towards your end goal and put in your time and then surely things will start to happen for you. It's nice when you get handed things but that is the exception not the rule. Determination, perseverance, and persistence are probably some of the most admirable qualities in my opinion.
11. Be yourself.
-in the words of the honey badger himself, "honey badger don't care." When I was younger I used to be really concerned with what others thought but now that I am out of college and married and have my good friends....honey badger don't care. I say what I think and I am who I am. If you want to be my friend great and if you don't that's fine too. So liberating.
12. Don't do business with friends.
-I've seen it happen and I've seen it subsequently fail and ruin a friendship. Never a good idea.
13. Be kind.
-there is nothing sweeter than feeling loved, appreciated, cared for, and respected for. Treating others like you want to be treated is a good policy.
14. Everything happens for a reason.
-literally my life mantra. There have been times in my life when something bad happens or things don't go my way and I think to myself why? I would wallow and be upset about it when in reality it later turned out to be a HUGE blessing in disguise. Don't question God's plan...He has a plan bigger than what is in front of us at the moment and it will definitely work out the way it is supposed to.
15. It is what it is.
-shiz happens. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it so you just have to accept it and move on.
Wow now that I've read through it to spell check it all sounds so dramatic. Baha. But I truly believe my little rules. Can't wait for the housewarming party in 12 days! Lucas thinks I'm going a little overboard with the plans but honestly does he remember who he married? He secretly loves it.
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